29 December 2014
Vermondo Busnelli
Ho una visione positiva della vita grazie anche ai successi e alle esperienze vissute. Non sono certo mancati gli insuccessi e le ‘musate’ ma sono stati motivi per crescere e migliorare. Con l’età il mio ottimismo è stato meglio calibrato da un sano realismo che mi porta comunque a guardare con positività all’oggi e al domani. Con questo spirito sto cercando le opportunità che EXPO 2015 darà a chi le saprà cogliere. Qui il mio profilo che potete trovare nel mio blog: http://vermondoblog.wordpress.com/about/
I had a liberal education (maturità classica). I am Food Scientist graduated at University of Milano (magna cum laude). My professional activity and expertise is related to several areas of food & beverage business; just to mention some relevant experiences: bakery, diet/baby food, culinary and confectionery products, coffee and other beverages, milk and dairy products, pet foods, etc. I had the great opportunity to build unique international experience in leading companies, such as Nestlé and The Coca-Cola Company across extensive technical and business management responsibilities, such as research & development, sales support for customers applications, process engineer and industrial automation, plant manager (coffee, dairy), biotechnology, environmental and quality management, people management, incident management and crisis resolution techniques. My last role as employee was in The Coca-Cola Company as European Director for Quality Programs in Brussels. On top of technical experience I grew also in communication and public relations skills, particularly in the environmental and sustainability area and in the broader field of relations with trade associations, academic and scientific institutes. Just to mention some examples: I was elected President of ERRA Italy (European Recovery and Recycling Association for packaging waste) in 1998 and President of Italian Institute for Packaging elected in 2006 and re-elected in 2008. In my curriculum more than 140 contributions are reported as interviews, seminars, public conferences, media, magazine or newspaper articles. Currently my activities are focused in two major areas. First, I am a city councilman with the purpose of improving projects and programs for growth and development of local community. Second, I co-founded a local school called UNI3 (university of 3 ages) to educate people of different generations. On top of organizational and managing activities of this school, I am personally conducting the course “A good nutrition helps to live better – what is important to know to choose and implement a responsible and balanced diet”.
Insieme con l'associazione politico-culturale Medapertutti sto esplorando e condividendo ogni possibile iniziativa che sappia cogliere le sinergie e le opportunità che EXPO 2015 offrirà alla nostra società e al territorio.