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Our Strategy

In this page we share all the downloadable documents about our strategy. Have a look at the strategic lines of our projects in progress.

The Reasons for a Great Result

Here you can find a presentation that help you to comprehend the development of our strategy and the relational work we have created with all the actors in Expo2015. At the end of the event we collect reflections around the communication and the explanation of the reasons of the great results reached.


Social Media Strategy – October 2015

Look how our social media strategies transformed from the months before the beginning of Expo2015 to the end. Discover the change gear we have done in this months and who worked with us.


Social Media Workshop – May 2015

A workshop to meet all the social media managers of the Participant Countries. The first meeting to explain our strategies and our aims.


Social Media Handbook for Participant Countries

A handbook about Social Media (in particular Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) created to support the Participants Countries. Special guide lines explain how to develop the communication of each country on Social Media.


Social Media Strategy – October 2014

Social Media Strategy updated at October 2014, here you can find reached and future goals and projects in process. Discover the state of communication less than six months from the opening of Expo2015.


Social Media Strategy for Institutional Communication

Read useful informations to comprehend how design communication for Institution on Social Media. A brief summary of the most important points of the strategy. 


Social Media Strategy – April 2014

Strategy by Social Media Team till April 2014, discover our aims and ways of approach to communication. 


Social Media Storytelling – April 2014

Communication on Social Media is based on different projects. In the presentation updated at April 2014 you can see projects in progress and new ideas for the future.