Come home


Expo2015 is an international event where many countries take part to promote their nation, their customs and traditions and their culinary culture. 

For this reason Expo2015 celebrates  the participants, dedicating them the National Days, rich of events, shows and initiatives and we promote them with the following format.

Cover Facebook

During the National Day, we dedicate the cover on Expo2015 Facebook page to the pavilion celebrated.

Usually we use a photo of the Pavilion from the outside and we put the credits of the photographer.


The first photo of the day on Expo2015 Instagram is the pavilion of the participant that celebrates the National Day. 

Live Tweeting

The National Day is followed live, through Expo2015 Twitter, with tweets and photos/video, in many of its events.


Periscope is the new Twitter app for live streaming with smartphone. Some events of the National Days are broadcasted live, to involve the virtual users to the celebrations.

The videos recorded are edited and then uploaded on our channel Expotube.

Cover Story Net

On Magazine section of Expo2015 official website is published an article, the Cover Story, where are treated the traditions, the morals and curiosities of the culture of the country that celebrates the National Day.

The link of the article is shared on Expo2015 Facebook and Twitter, in italian and english languages.


The daily recipe of the worldrecipes section of Expo2015 official website, is dedicated to a typical food.

We share the recipes on Facebook and Twitter, in double languages.

Evening Photogallery

The night before the celebration, we post on our official accounts Facebook and Twitter a photogallery with a some selected photos about the Country.

The gallery is linked to the article of Expo Magazine.