Colourful, dynamic and pop! These clips are the motion graphics made by Social Media Team to promote initiatives and events of Expo2015 on our social channels.
The clips are in 16:9 format, but all the texts are in the center, so they can be publish on every social networks.
#FestadelPane: This is the first motion graphics made for #FESTE, series of events to celebrate some of the most eaten foods, such as the bread. Warm colours and different kinds of bread are used in the clip.
#TuttiiFrutti: Fruits and vegetables of different types color the clip made for “La Festa della Frutta e della Verdura”, 28th of July 2015.
#FestadelGelato: Another pop and colourful clip has been made for “La Festa del Gelato”, which took place at Expo2015, the 15th of August.
#FestadellaBirra: Glasses, mugs, hops and wheat are the protagonists of this clip for “la Festa della Birra”, the 19th of September at Expo2015.
#InternationalCoffeeDay: We made this clip to celebrate the International Coffee Day (1st October).
Social Media Day: We used this clip to promote, on our social channels, one of the last Social Media Days
#MYWALL: The project #MYWALL is a wall located on the first floor of the Media Center where we pinned materials of Expo2015 and it will become a part of World Expo Museum of Shangai. We involved the staff of the Exposition, but also the visitors, promoting the participant in this project to as many people as possible with this clip on our social channels.
Come to EXPO by motorcycle: Come to EXPO by motorcycle! This clip has been created to promote the free parking area for motorcycles at Merlata.
EXPOGRAM: EXPOGRAM is a function of Expo2015 official app; it’s a travel diary 2.0 which allowes to evaluate the percentage of visited area of the exposition, to store the visited pavilions and the travelled kilometres. We realized a motion graphic tutorial to inform how to use EXPOGRAM.
La tua Estate a EXPO!: Motion graphics clip to inform visitors about the summer promotions of Expo2015 tickects, using summer elements and objects.
Agosto insieme a EXPO!: A mix of objects and colours for a mix of promotions and offers for the visitors: special tickets, free parking and much more.
#SalutidaExpo Contest: Since August, some digital totems placed along the Decuman have the possibility to take your photocard. It has been organized a contest for the visitors (until the 31th of August): take your picture and share it on Instagram, with the hashtag #salutidaExpo. The pic with the highest number of people will win free tickets for each person recognizable in it!
Festa della Frutta e della Verdure (#TuttiiFrutti)
Social Media Day
Come to EXPO by motorcycle
La tua Estate a EXPO!
Agosto insieme a EXPO!